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We're always up for a challenge. 

These are a few of our recent favorites. 

Projects: Text

Restaurant Group - Strategic Focus, Operational Refinement

Redefinition and Profitable Growth

A chef's growing media presence diluted her presence in her flagship restaurant. She needs to strike a balance.

We redefined the brand and refocused the restaurant business to quick serve, delivery and e-commerce. We grew and optimized her media participation (chef, prestige brand ambassador, global humanitarian).  

Result: robust global media presence, lucrative ambassador deals, growing QSR presence, elimination of unprofitable units. 

Aging Classic - Brand Refresh & Operational Overhaul

Modernization and Marketing

A classic NYC brand began to show signs of age after 40+ years; sales were declining as the customer base aged.  

We kept the retro logos and products - but also made the place relevant to a younger audience with a social media presence, modern purchasing capabilities (apps, delivery services) and partnerships with other cool brands (fashion, media) for events. 

Result: reversed sales decline within 6 months; expanded reach with new delivery business; added new business in retro logo gear. 


Media Company - New Market Launch

Products and Relationships

An established media company wanted to provide OTT content and commerce to spirits fans - but had no industry experience. 

We helped shape the brand presence by matching client capabilities and industry needs. We identified and formed the company's initial partnerships with the most important trade, media and influencers. We guided the first-time CEO through a highly complex business and regulatory landscape.   

Result: a concise, carefully-targeted pre-launch strategy, driven by deals with the right advocates and first partners, enables a highly visible launch, at modest budget. 

Consumer Brand - New Product & Message

Careful Research & Targeting

A major consumer brand had huge market share among men - but much less among women. 

We market-tested existing product line and new product prototypes with thousands of young women who like the category. We steered the company to the right product mix, reversing the product manager's long-held direction. We then guided the marketing department to most resonant message and promotional context, and led an influencer campaign in key markets.  

Result: modified an existing product and honed its marketing message; a year later, share among young women had grown by 3x. 

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Foreign Brand - USA Market Entry

Strategy, Launch & Messaging

A large Chinese restaurant chain wanted to enter the US. Their first effort was not successful. 

We identified a better niche, market-tested products and messages, refined the offer and the look/feel. Despite the manager's doubts, we drove the company to offer more authentic product, at a higher price point, in a more modern, elegant context. 

Result: upgraded first restaurant, to achieve critical raves within 6 months; opened a second soon after, closely following our strategy from the start. The business is now profitable and continuing to expand with our strategy. 

Projects: Projects
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